Friday, June 12, 2009

The best sleep I ever had....

It was 1997 on a sunny day in Indiana when I was struck by a truck walking across the street. My life would change forever as I had countless surgeries, theropy sessions and rehabilitation work. After eight years of reconstruction I thought I was finally through but then came the endless sleepless nights. My mind would go on and on, my legs would not stay still and I could not get comfortable. I tried sleeping pills, taking naps in the day, reading, and meditation but nothing worked. I began to go into to sleep deprivation and deep depression. I thought to myself that after all the pain and recovery why this too.
I went to doctor after doctor but would you believe that MDs also struggle with their sleep, sometimes for years? Would you believe that most of them are more ill-informed about the true effects of sleeping pills and their real dangers than regular folks? Sad but true...
Then a friend sent me to sleep like a puppy and I took a simple seven question test. I received a test and found I was making all the mistakes that are classic when you try to fix a sleep problem without understanding the real problem. Once I understood and followed this simple program I am a new person who is rested and vibrant once again. Life is so good when you wake up refreshed and ready to take on the world.
What’s cool is that you can’t develop any dependency to this, and it has no negative side-effects. Unlike sleeping pills, this program helps you become healthier. And because of its long-lasting effect, you don’t need to listen to them forever...
I am now just one of the thousands who are making their sleep problems a thing of the past. Imagine that instead of taking hours to fall asleep, you're off in less than 15 minutes. You literally sleep like a puppy and never wake up during the night anymore (if you do wake up to go to the bathroom, you get back to sleep within minutes).
You spend less time in bed... And instead of feeling rundown all day, you're full of energy to do all you want to do.

Cindy, Indiana

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